⚔️ PvP Event Pinatank


External Player
One barbarian will offer himself to be the pinata, rest of the participants will form a party (up to 6 participants). If more participants decide to join, and they are an even number, they will be split in two parties by the GM

Pinatank A: The barbarian has to survive for 3 minutes and the rest of the participants have to try and kill him.
Pinatank B: The barbarian has to survive while moving from point A to point B, and the rest of the participants have to try and kill him.
The win condition for the barbarian is determined by the GM hosting the event.

- Nobody is allowed to fly unless GM specifies otherwise.
- Barb is allowed to use only healing and defensive skills, genie (except Holy Path) and/or pots. Defensive abilities with an offensive effect are ok (like AoE stun).
- Rest of the participants are allowed to use genies (except Occult Ice) and pots.
- The win condition for the barbarian is to survive either: (A) for 3 minutes; or (B) reaching point B.
- The win conditions for participants is to kill the barbarian either: (A) before 3 minutes; or (B) before the barbarian reaches point B. If there are more than one party, rewards will only apply to the party that deals the last blow.
- Only the participant dealing the last blow will receive the GM event title aside the reward pack. Barbarian will provide the screenshot of the killing blow to the Hoster GM via Discord.


[Pinatank reward pack]
for the barbarian if he survived, or for the squad if they managed to kill the barbarian.
- For the Barbarian, GM event title [Piñata] (+37 phys. & mag. defense)
- For the participant dealing the killing blow, GM event title [All candies are for] (+22 phys. & mag. attack)
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